Scientific Highlights
1. Theme Topics of The Conference
- Adolescent health
- Infertility
- High risk pregnancy
- Genetics for future Health
- Role of Interventional Radiology and AI in Gyane & Obst
- Geriatric Gynae
- Guidelines for Neonatal Resuscitation
2. Pre-congress Workshops
- Infertility From Basics To Advance / Fetal Medicine
- Obstetrics Drill
- Hystero-laparoscopy
- Urogynae Workshop/ Aesthetics Gynae
- Hands On Training On Colposcopy
- Recent guidelines on Neonatal Resuscitation
3. Orations on 20th & 21st September
- Dr. C.S. Dawn NARCHI Oration
- Dr. P.D. Baveja Oration
- Dr. Manjula Rohatgi Oration
- Dr. S.N. Mukherjee Oration
- D. Jagjit Singh Hans Oration
- Conference Oration
4. Quiz For Student
- Reproductive Health
- Neonatal resuscitation
5. Awards
- Reproductive Health
- Dr. C.S. Dawn Best Paper Award on Obgyn (No Age Limit)
- Two Best Paper Awards (Junior Category, < 30 Years)
- Dr. Subrata Dawn Best Paper Award
- One Conference Best Paper Award
- Two Awards for Best Poster Presentation in Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Prize for Quiz Winner in High-Risk Pregnancy
- Award for the Best First-Year Student
- Prize for the Best Final Year Student
- Child Health
- Award for Best Paper Presentation on theme topics
- Award for the Best Poster Presentation
- Prize for Quiz Winner in Reproductive Medicine & Neonatal Resuscitation
6. Call For Abstract Submission
7. 06 Credit Points From Rajasthan Medical Council of India Applied.