Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission for the 16th World Congress and 24th National conference of National Association for Reproductive & Child Health of India.

NARCHICON 2025, 19th - 21st September 2025
Venue : Rajasthan International Center (RIC) Jaipur

For technical issues or any queries related to abstract submission, please email
narchicon2025@gmail.com or contact on Whatsapp at:
Dr. Neelam Jain (Organizing President): +91-9414075806
Dr. Taru Chhaya (Organizing Secretary): +91-9829256161


  • Last date of abstract submission is 15th May 2025.
  • Abstract selection results will be declared by 31st May 2025.
  • Conference registration is mandatory for presenting papers or e-posters
  • It is mandatory for all the presenters to register for the conference by 30th June, 2025 or the presenter will be automatically withdrawn from the program.
  • No changes can be made after online abstract submission
  • Abstracts must be original and must not have been published or presented at any other meeting. Abstracts should report on results of truly original research. The proposal will be reviewed according to the scientific content and ethical considerations.
  • Abstracts must be submitted online via the official conference website only.
  • For submission portal please navigate to our website https://www.narchicon2025.com
  • Only abstracts submitted via the online submission portal will be sent to the committee for review.
  • Abstracts submitted offline by fax or e-mail or post or social media, or to any other website or through third-party sources will not be accepted.
  • As the official conference language is English, all abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • The first author will be considered as the presenting author. Except the presenter, 4 co-authors can be included. The corresponding author may not necessarily be the presenting author.
  • No change/substitution in the presenter will be permitted, once the abstract has been accepted.
  • Abstracts may be submitted for Oral paper presentations, E-poster short oral presentations, or E-poster (Digital Display on LED Screen) viewing. Authors are asked to indicate their preferences during the submission process. However, the decision of which abstracts are selected for each type of presentation, and their mode (Oral/E-Poster), as well as the category of presentation, is the decision and responsibility of the Scientific Committee, which will be final and binding.
  • Please choose the appropriate category related to your abstract at the time of submission.
  • All Submissions will be acknowledged by email only. So, please provide your current working Email ID along with your Mobile number. (We are not responsible if you do not receive any response due to the wrong email ids provided.). Please check the “SPAM” folder in your inbox to avoid loss of communication.


Submission must be under one of the following Categories

  1. Adolescent health
  2. Infertility
  3. High risk pregnancy
  4. Genetics for future health
  5. Role of interventional radiology and AI in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  6. Geriatric Gynaecology
  7. Guidelines for neonatal resuscitation


Reproductive Health

  1. Dr. C.S. Dawn Best Paper Award on Obgyn (No Age Limit)
  2. Two Best Paper Awards (Junior Category, < 30 Years)
  3. Dr. Subrata Dawn Best Paper Award
  4. One Conference Best Paper Award
  5. Two Awards for Best Poster Presentation in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  6. Prize for Quiz Winner in High-Risk Pregnancy
  7. Award for the Best First-Year Student
  8. Prize for the Best Final Year Student

Child Health

  1. Award for Best Paper Presentation on theme topics
  2. Award for the Best Poster Presentation
  3. Prize for Quiz Winner in Reproductive Medicine & Neonatal Resuscitation


Before you begin, please prepare the following information:

  1. Presenting author’s contact details:
  2. Email address | Full postal address | Phone number
  3. Author and co-authors’ details:
    1. Full first and last name
    2. Affiliation details: Department, Institution, Hospital, City, State (if relevant), Country
  4. Preferred Presentation type: Oral Presentation, Thematic poster session
  5. Abstract title is limited to 25 words. Please submit abbreviations as words.
  6. Use generic names for drugs. The presentation must be balanced and contain no commercial promotional content.
  7. In the original research, the results have to be submitted with the abstract.
  8. No references are needed with abstract submission.
  9. Please do not submit the same abstract under more than 1 category.
  10. Each delegate can submit a maximum of 3 abstracts for the award paper / free paper/ E-poster category
  11. Abstract text should include the following headings: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
  12. Abstract text – limited to 250 words.
  13. Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word appears the first time.
  14. Only metric system (SI) units should be used.
  15. Submissions may not contain patient names, hospital ID numbers, or other identifying information.
  16. Click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the process to submit your abstract. Changes will not be possible to your abstract after it is submitted.
  17. You will receive an abstract ID number via email after you have submission. Please refer to this abstract ID in all correspondence in the future.
  18. The abstract should not contain broad future tense statements like "The results will be discussed".
  19. The rights of acceptance/rejection for abstracts are reserved by the Scientific Committee.


The papers that have been accepted will be published in proceedings of NARCHICON 2025. Organizing Committee holds all publication rights including copyright unless otherwise intimated to the authors by Organizing Committee in writing.


During abstract submission you will be asked to confirm that you agree to the following:
I confirm, that :

  1. I previewed this abstract and that all information is correct. I accept that the content of this abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final submission and I am aware that it will be published as submitted.
  2. Submission of the abstract constitutes the consent of all authors for presentation and publication.
  3. The abstract submitter grants the organizers a copyright license to reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the text of the content on a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable nonexclusive basis.
  4. The organizers reserve the right to remove from publication and/or presentation abstract which do not comply with the above.
  5. I understand that I must select a specific theme, topic, and/or sub-topic for my abstract allocation. Although the Committee will work hard to honour this selection, this cannot be guaranteed. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the theme or topic category under which the abstract were originally submitted.